The first(Sep. 13th)

I don’t know much about Kaneko-san, I haven’t seen Symphogear series yet, I haven’t played all titles of the Wild Arms games, it’s been decades since I played some of that, so my memory is vague, and I’m not good at whistling. The only thing I’m proud of is eating a lot of yakisoba noodles… Is it okay for me to participate in this Kickstarter project?

Of course!
Please support ARMED FANTASIA!
While you’re at it, I want you to watch Symphogear, to play all of the Wild Arms games, and to get better at whistling.

A lot of your later works are well known for their crazy action scenes. Are you planning on capturing a similar feeling with the battles and cutscenes in Armed Fantasia?

We would like to employ flashy and fun action scenes in this game as well.
We are hoping to showcase them early at a turning point in the beginning of the story.

Does “Armed Fantasia” have an opening animation or theme song?

We want to make an opening animation to increase show off more detail of the world and the characters!
We have set this as one of our stretch goals for the future, and I would personally be very thankful if you all helped us achieve it.

I’d like to see a system that allows me to not only change ARM’s, but also the character’s costume!!!!!!!

That feature is set as the next stretch goal.
At the time I am answering this, it appears we haven’t achieved it yet… How about it?
A costume change system would be fun and I definitely want to include it.

I know game development is very hard work. What do you eat or drink when you are tired?

Luckily, I’m not picky, so I eat whatever I can find.
Personally, when it comes to nutritional supplementation, I place more importance on “who I eat with” rather than “what I eat”.

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