
The campaign has ended. Thank you for your support!

Kickstarter Armed Fantasia & Penny Blood ends on October 1, 2022

What’s New

15/3/2025 Update“March 2025 Update” has been released.
15/2/2025 Update“February 2025 Update” has been released.
11/1/2025 Update“January 2025 Update” has been released.
7/12/2024 Update“December 2024 Update” has been released.
9/11/2024 Update“November 2024 Update” has been released.


Wilderness and Whistling

A dramatic new story unfolds in a world hurtling towards destruction.

Become a Pathfinder and, with trusted ARM in hand, embark on a perilous journey across a sprawling wilderness.

Traps and treasures lie in wait across both the world map and its dungeons, requiring both the characters’ skills and the player’s wits to solve and escape in one piece.

The new battle system, Cross Order Tactics, combines the strategy of a turn-based system with high octane action to create a unique and tense game experience.

With overall game design and scenario by Akifumi Kaneko, character design by Tomomi Sasaki, and soundtrack by Michiko Naruke, Noriyasu agematsu and Elements Garden, this is going to be a Westernpunk experience not to be missed!


In the faraway land of Londenium, what remains of humanity clings on stubbornly to a world that is slowly transforming into a wilderness while the horrifying Anomalies upheave their way of life, growing more dangerous with every passing year.

In this world with no future, the fate of humanity rests in the hands of a single governing body; the Order of the Sacred Key. Since its foundation, the Order has guided those lost amidst the chaos. It teaches law and order, provides technology, and serves as the vanguard that protects humanity from the Anomaly threat.

The Order also continues to support a branch of adventurers known as the Pathfinders, equipping them with both powerful ARM weaponry and hope that the world will return to mankind’s care once more.

In a far flung corner of this world a young man named Ingram loses his grandfather; the final tether binding him to his hometown. With no reason to stay, he sets out on a new adventure as a Pathfinder to reconnect with his childhood friend.

Ingram’s journey will lead him to cross destinies with many a new friend and foe, and become embroiled in a monumental battle that’ll strike through Londenium’s past and its future.


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Ingram Goodweather

Ingram is 17 years old and an up-and-coming Pathfinder. Raised in a town filled with people pushing to strike it rich, he had develop street smarts, making him come across like someone wise beyond their years.
Ingram specializes in gun-type ARMs, utilizing speed to confuse his opponents and gain the upper-hand. He has a propensity for flashiness, dealing rapid damage to individual or multiple targets.

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Alicia Fairhead

19 years old and daughter of the leader of the Knights of the Order, Alicia is steadfast in her duty as a knight to protect the peace.
Her bright and cheerful personality gives her an air of , but in battle she is a force to be reckoned with–using tall spear-type ARMs and shields to deal serious damage.

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Euclid Sturges

Ingram’s best friend who winds up moving because of family issues, leaving their childhood promise unfulfilled. In order to fulfill said promise, Euclid becomes a Pathfinder.
18 years old. He tries to handle everything intellectually if possible. He wields staff-type ARMs allowing him to fire magical energy and take advantage of enemy weak points.

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Mercedes Rosenberg

Born to a family of alchemists with a long history.
An unknown monster kills her entire family, so she sets out for revenge.
The 23 year old hides a fierce personality behind her kind words.
She specializes in the rapid-fire Gatling Gun ARM type, making her effective at taking on multiple opponents in battle.

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Sigurd Geiermeier

Sigurd originally worked for the Order of the Sacred Key, cracking down on illegal ARMs.
Now the hunter has become the hunted, complete with a bounty on his head.
The 30 year old specializes in the katana ARM type, the strongest of them all.
However, he has lost the sense of justice he used to have when he would swing his blade.

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Soleil Ainsley

She is a descendant of a clan from a remote hidden village that focused on anti-monster efforts.
The 14 year old rarely speaks and isn’t great with people, but always sees a job through to the end.
She specializes in martial arts using fist weapon ARMs, as well as special skills that give status effects to the enemy.
She is always with a small creature named Strisch.


Armed Fantasia aims for that old-school JRPG style that allows you to experience the spirit of adventure; crossing the great expanse and using your wits to cross any obstacle in your path.

Armed Fantasia is founded on a concept that is becoming harder to find in recent games: a gigantic World Map. Race, leap and solve puzzles, or feel the momentum of crossing the land, sea and air in high-speed vehicles. The World Map of Armed Fantasia will be packed with things to do, beautifully rendered with a unique look not seen in other titles.

Meanwhile, dungeon exploration is all about utilizing the characters’Gadgets.
Switch between Gadgets to solve obstacles standing in your way and embrace that sense of catharsis when you finally open a particularly picky path.

And the battles in Armed Fantasia may be turn-based but they maintain a quick tempo thanks to the Cross Order Tactics system. Successive character actions play a key role in the Order Chain, and disruptive Force Breaks that interrupt enemy turn order make for engagements filled with tension and suspense that will push you to seriously consider your battle strategy!


An outbreak of bizarre creatures known as the Anomalies has spread across the world, becoming the main threat towards humanity in Armed Fantasia.

Though their origin is shrouded in mystery, Anomalies are believed to be a mutation of living creatures native to Londenium. However, some have since transcended their original nature, showing there is still much about them left to learn.

Not only is communication with them impossible, but their extremely hostile nature towards humans makes the Anomalies a menace that must be defeated at all costs.


The Gwiber slices through the arid skies on its four powerful wings. It has maneuverability, but even more dangerous is the poisonous stinger on its tail.

The number of victims of its high altitude hit-and-run tactics or eventually succumbing to its excruciating venom are beyond count.


The Kongamoto is a ferocious predator of all living things, but with a particular predilection for human flesh. So rabid a creature it is that it’s even been rumored to feast on its own kind should starvation strike.

Records show occasions where the beats of its powerful wings have capsized merchant ships navigating the inland sea, making it deeply feared among sailors and seafaring folk.


In Armed Fantasia there are weapons constructed from corpses, created using prohibited magicks defiling the sanctity of life. Aptrganga is one of the strongest.

The Order once exposed a horrifying factory known as the Anomaly Cemetery where these impure creatures were being produced en masse and falling into the hands of evil men.


Westernpunk Settlement

1000 years ago, a civilization that existed all over Londenium was wiped from the land and humanity has walked a decaying path ever since–unable to maintain governmental systems and gathering in small towns or settlements such as this one.

Even with the Order of the Sacred Key providing infrastructure and supporting livelihoods,
the level of technology has never come close to recovering.
Now people patch together relics excavated from the ruins, creating a new mechanical civilization still in its infancy.

Prehistoric Ruins

Scattered across Londenium exist prehistoric ruins built using extremely advanced technology.
Contrary to their archaic, gothic appearance, they are constructed of powerful yet lost mechanical technology,
with some ruins still functional after thousands of years.

The people of this world make their living by exploring these ruins and scavenging any usable parts and materials.
The larger the ruins, the larger the nearby settlement of people in search of riches.

However, the remaining living ruins contain functioning guard systems designed to keep out unworthy intruders, making only the most skilled Pathfinders capable of exploring their depths.

Island Excavation Site

With the encroaching wilderness and Anomaly threat, humans were left with no choice but to evacuate certain areas.
This now solitary island once served was once an excavation site for prehistoric ruins under the guidance of the Order of the Sacred Key.

However, researchers and workers alike were forced to flee the location when it was attacked by savage Anomalies.

There’s a good chance that the abandoned excavation revealed untouched treasures, but those brave enough to find out will need to be powerful enough to take on the Anomalies that have taken up residence…


Composing the modern Westernpunk soundtrack that will accompany your adventure in the wilderness are Wild ARMs composers Michiko Naruke and Noriyasu Agematsu (Elements Garden).

They’ll be going all-out working on the music and sounds for the game!

The Epic of Armed Fantasia

Kaneko: This song was created with the goal of delivering an overall view of what Armed Fantasia is like. If you can feel the fusion between Western and Fantasy along with the scale of the story, then I’m happy

When Fate Triggers You

Kaneko: This song is inspired by the strength of the Pathfinders and their capacity to easily overcome any dangers and difficulties, even when buffeted by heavy head wind. Meanwhile, the whistling is a symbol of both their style and their melancholy.

Crazed Carpaccio

Kaneko: One of the most important elements of this game is the solving of puzzles and conquering of traps that block our heroes’ path. This song is focuses on that.

Welcome to Hell’s Kitchen

Kaneko: It is said that dry earth makes the heart grow thin, and the harsh environment robs people of any kindness and warmth. I requested the composers express how difficult a life would be in the corner of such a world

Cosmic Wonder

Kaneko: When giving directions to the composers for this one, I was imagining the stride our heroes paving a new path for the world would take.One thing I hope people take away from this is a sense of liveliness of the main characters as they run down the grim road in front of them.

Anomaly Gang

Kaneko: The evil that lurks in the wilderness can't be taken down by ordinary means.They sneak around, and attack you when you've let your guard down.The feelings of the main characters putting up a fight and the tension of doing so are being expressed in this track.

Driver’s High

Kaneko: An automobile is made of a combination of knowledge and car parts.And it no longer just "runs".It swiftly takes our heroes out of harm's way as they drive across the wilderness.This song was done with a nimble driving action sequence in mind.

My Beloved, My Sorrow, So Far Away…

Kaneko: The story in the game isn't all intensity, but it has a feeling of loneliness and desolation behind it as well.I had the composers try to convey the emotions of the main characters as well as the feeling of the unpredictable winds for this track.


Explore a world turned wilderness with a unique Westernpunk feel

Follow the tale of six main characters on their grand, drama-packed adventure

Utilize character actions to navigate and explore your surroundings

Explore a gigantic world map to uncover hidden treasures and sub-quests

Use each character’s individual Gadget to solve puzzles that block your path

Flex your initiative in highly strategic battles filled to the brim with intense action

Tracks upon tracks of ‘modern western’ inspired background music that’ll really get your toes tapping


Overall Game Designer and Scenario Writer
Akifumi Kaneko

“this project – two games in one Kickstarter – is not only something no one has attempted before, but it’s also a challenge that will expand the possibillities of future game development.
Not only Armed Fantasia and Penny Blood, but tons of bold and daring games need you to fight by their side in order to thrive, so please consider offering your support!”

Character Designer
Tomomi Sasaki

Michiko Naruke

Noriyasu Agematsu

Chief Director
Hiroki Ishii

Studio Director
Satoshi Nishimura

Planning Director
Atsushi Hashimoto

Scenario Director
Mado Sekiya

ARM Designer
As’ Maria