May 2023 Update

Greetings Backers!

We were able to use Golden Week to recharge and make great progress on both games. We hope you like what you see! Please let us know in the comments or on Discord!

Campaign Updates

Discord Roles

Development on the discord bot is largely completed and we plan to set it live in the next couple of weeks. Our amazing moderators let us know that Discord will soon be updating their ID naming system which will create some customer service headaches on this end. Due to the large number of backers we have decided to split this into two phases:

Phase One: Upon launching the bot anyone who has filled out their survey and provided their Discord ID will receive their role up until the point that Discord implements the new name change system. Currently there are no specifics from Discord of when that will be other than “over the next few months”

Phase Two: Sometime after the name change we will send out a revised survey that addresses a couple of bugs for a question involving one of the items. When this goes out anyone who doesn’t have a role and would like one will need to provide their new Discord ID in the new format at that time. We don’t have a specific date for this but most likely it will be close to the end of the year.

Survey Update

More backers have completed their survey and we were able to navigate the AppleID E-mail issue. We currently have 82% of backers that have filled out their backer survey. If you need support please reach out to the customer support team at

Development Updates

All of a sudden, it’s the last week of May. It’s starting to feel like summer, so don’t forget to hydrate yourselves and stay healthy!

Here is another project update from Kaneko.

Armed Fantasia May 2023 Project Update


World Map

We’re still creating white models for the world map.


We finished Euclid’s vehicle, which we mentioned in last month’s update, and this month we started testing the behavior for the flying machine that lets you soar through the sky and the boat that lets you traverse the waters.

We’re currently trying to discover the best feel, movement speed, and controls for them.


We’re confirmed almost all of the specifications for the gadgets on the map, but we’ll keep considering how we may need to adjust or balance them based on further development.

From the start, this may have been obvious to a certain group of people, but Soleil’s partner Stritsch will also be usable as a gadget.



For the time being, we’ve confirmed the total number (number of unique models) of anomalies (kaiju), which serve as the decorative flowers of any good RPG, as well as a source of joy for all of the human race. We’ve also finished naming them, adding their major features and detailed info, so from this point on we’ll start sliding them into the battle system.


We’ve completed the in-battle standby motions for Ingram, Alicia, and Euclid.

If you switch ARMs while in standby, the motion will switch over whatever matches the form (type) of the ARM.

From this point on we’re going to start working not just on more things for those three, but also motions for the other characters and anomalies.


We’re also working on various effects that will appear in battles, such as hit marks.


The prologue scenario is being written, while the overall plot and game flow is being edited and modified as necessary. (Copied and pasted from last month’s update)

It seems like Ingram, Alicia, and Euclid’s solo prologues will all be unique and interesting in their own ways. This is especially true for Ingram’s prologue, since the person in charge of it is now grumbling and saying “You liar. This is way more complicated than what you told me at the beginning.”



We finished five different types of designs for members of the Iconocluster and the knights and employees who work for the Church of the Sacred Key – all nameless characters despite the fact that they are deeply connected to the story and the world.


We’re still working on designing these. Cool monsters, evil-looking monsters, monsters that look problematic no matter what angle you gaze at them from, we’ve got a lot of variety. My favorite is the mechanoid dragon named after a certain famous sword. (*Personal opinion)


We’re currently working on white models for three new dungeons. If I were to keep honestly reporting on the number of dungeons we’re working on, the total number of dungeons would eventually be revealed, and sharp-witted people might discover a slight spoiler related to the story, so I’ll stop listing numbers from this month onwards.

Incidentally, the atmospheres of the dungeons we’re working on are… “classical underground ruins built out of stone,” “westernpunk church facility,” and “profoundly ornate gothic style.” (letting confidential information slip out in the spirit of good service)

User Interface

We implemented a temporary main menu. Together with that, we’re working on designing the HUD for the field and battle screens.


We uploaded three new storyboards for force breaks, the characters’ special moves.



I thought up a new way to use BGM that I’ve never used in any previous game, so I spoke to the composer knowing that I may be heading toward dying a hero’s death with this particular idea. Currently, we’re looking into whether we can actually implement it or not.


We’ve started working on sound effects for the field and UI.


We had a lot to share in this update compared to previous months, but please understand that just because there was a lot of information in this one, it doesn’t mean that we worked hard only during this month.

Even when we don’t have much to report to you all, every last staff member is working their hardest, so please don’t worry.

I was worried about whether or not I properly conveyed the fact that everyone is working hard in my reports thus far, so I added an extra bit here to the ending. (sorry for the wall of text)