October 2023 Update

We have reached the end of October and that means many scares all-around with Halloween. Could this be the perfect time for a horror or Western Cyberpunk JRPG-based costume?

Campaign Update

Backerkit Survey Fix

We’ve needed to fix one incorrectly labeled item on the original survey. Backers affected by this will need to recomplete the survey. Please wait for us to send you an E-mail directly with a new survey link. Upon fixing this issue, we should be perfect on the backer surveys.

Development Updates

Seems like our one-year anniversary for the project isn’t over just yet? Just like last month, today’s AF update will be coming to you from another main staff member!

Armed Fantasia October 2023 Project Report

Hello everyone. I’m Ishii, the chief director of Armed Fantasia. For some reason I’ve been roped into writing this update… It isn’t because I’m taking responsibility for forgetting to request a Halloween illustration or anything. That isn’t it, okay? It’s just not.


Concept Art

Recently, we got some art for switches that will respond to bomb and knife-type gadgets. The movements the switches make when they react to the gadgets will be mechanical and pretty entertaining.

White Models

As development has continued, we’ve gotten more gimmicks implemented into the dungeons. As Sekiya reported in last month’s update, the familiar nature of solving these gimmicks really makes the game feel like a spiritual successor.


Main Scenario

“Still writing. Suffering at a good pace.” (Going to keep using this until it starts grating on us).

The sound of typing on the keyboard just keeps echoing from Kaneko’s seat. Just when I thought it’s finally stopped, I go to the bathroom and come back out to hear it echoing again. Aside from necessary meetings, we both often go entire days in silence. Since he’s writing a lot, it must mean he’s in the zone, so I’m looking forward to my first read before we start the storyboarding. ONLY the first read, though…


We’re still working on event storyboards. Unfortunately, no higher power exists above my seat. (See the September 2023 update for more info). Nothing that convenient. When I look up at the ceiling, I’m usually thinking something like “Okay, maybe if we do this, we’ll be able to implement this well.” The team works on figuring out what’s actually necessary to implement everything, but if I don’t think about things properly while I’m working on the storyboards, I’ll basically be creating a hellscape for the team, so I try to give them as many answers as possible.



We’re still working on character designs, 3D models, and animations.

The field animations are directly connected to how the gameplay feels, and we’re really thankful to bee tribe for fulfilling our requests so quickly. Just the other day, we sent out some detailed requests regarding the run animation, and they quickly fixed everything up. Thanks to that, the running now feels speedy but also easy to control.

Kaiju (Anomalies)

We’re still working on the kaiju designs. Due to the situation, we’ve been going through bee tribe and requesting some kaiju design work from some outside designers. I’m secretly excited for the new creations, since they’ll be filled with lots of little things that wouldn’t have existed in my design alone.

There’s still some discussion regarding the last boss that’s going on among certain parties, but the last boss is really cute! Seriously!


Society’s in full Halloween mode right now, so a lot of things have become purple and orange, but what comes to your mind when you think of Halloween? Pumpkins, of course. Today, we’ll be showing you a design of something that’d be perfect for carving up a pumpkin: the Katana ARM! (Extremely forced segway).

↑Katana ARM design.

↑We’re creating a model based on the design art. The blade of the katana has a sheath, so it won’t always be exposed.

↑It’ll also have a transformation gimmick to it.

The transformation gimmick may seem a bit low-key, but we intend to add an awesome effect that’ll make it spin around, so please look forward to that.

That concludes our update for this month. The days are getting colder, so please take care of yourselves!