August 2023 Update

Japan continues to turn the heat up and we are right in the middle of typhoon season! It’s not all bad since that allows us to stay inside and stay focused on development rather than braving the outdoors!

Campaign Updates

Discord Roles

We know we said we’d get these handled this month and got very, very close… Unfortunately the bot programmer was not well and it pushed our schedule back a couple of weeks. Very soon though! Thank you so so much for your patience!

Development Updates

Time sure flies. Japan’s Obon holiday is over, and according to the calendar, autumn is here, but this infernal heat hasn’t left us yet. Please make sure you’re all taking good care of yourselves. Here is Kaneko’s development report for this month!

ARMED FANTASIA August 2023 Project Diary


Concept Art

We’re still turning our images of the towns and dungeons that will serve as the stages for adventures and story into model art.

White Models

We’re working on temporary models for new dungeons as well as new areas of the world map.

Gimmicks and Gadgets

We started implementing gimmicks that will serve as the action/puzzle-solving elements of the dungeons that appear in the prologue. Along with that, we’re also implementing functionality for the gadgets. As seen in past games, using the correct gadget will let you activate switches or push a trolley on the map into a sealed door and break it open. We’re preparing active puzzles that will be fun to watch as well. We still aren’t at a stage where we can show you the actual animations, but this time around we’ll show you the model art for a certain character’s (yes, it’s obvious) initial gadgets. The temporary names for these gadgets are “Bomb” and “Throwing Knife.” They’re two classic gadgets that you should be very familiar with, but I’m thinking of new ways to use them, so I hope you’re excited.


Main Scenario

Still writing. Suffering at a good pace.


We’re working on event storyboards and force break storyboards in order. We also intend to use motion capture for the character’s animations in this game.

In previous games, like with WA3, we only did verification in the early stages of development, and didn’t bring proper motion capture into the game. (Therefore, things will turn out much differently this time, so I’m excited.)

I digress, but all animations up until now were done by hand, where I, Kaneko, used an umbrella as a weapon as I stood next to the person in charge, showing them poses and sword fighting in order to get my image across. (Basically like a martial arts instructor from classic kung fu movies) I don’t think it’ll happen, but I worry about what will ensue if they happen to capture my own movements.



We’re still working on character design, 3D models, and animations.


We’re still working on anomaly designs, 3D models, and animations.

Last Boss

We still don’t have the designs for every character and anomaly yet, but we’ve already started working on the design for the last boss. As we talk with each other on how best to show and manifest the themes of ‘strength,’‘fear,’ and ‘lovableness’ (biased view from someone who loves villains), we also intend to make it a last boss that far surpasses all last bosses that have appeared thus far. We’re still in the rough stages, but so far the design is definitely worthy of its name, so I’m already a huge fan.