Minimum Goal Reached! Update Timeline Details

Launching a crowdfunding campaign is always pretty scary, especially considering the doubt generated by news on the Japanese yen and economy in general. But thanks to everyone’s support, we have SMASHED our initial goal within the first day.

Everyone brave enough to take part in supporting this project have made it possible, so from the bottom of our hearts, WE CANNOT THANK YOU ENOUGH!

We've met our minimum goal! Thank you so very much!

There are some explanations/corrections we need to talk about, but first, let’s cover the updates! These will be split between ‘CONTENT UPDATES’ that will feature info about the games like design explanations, art, music, etc., and ‘CAMPAIGN UPDATES’ that will cover ongoing recurring questions, issues, merchandise and maybe even fanart.

So let’s jump right in with our first…


New Add Ons

We’ve had a lot of requests from backers (and potential backers) asking to include the digital and physical OSTs—and of course we have, the music we’ve shown so far have been amazing! So, consider that wish granted!

Combo Confusion

We can’t get over the amount of people adding the combo tiers to their pledges! This supports BOTH creators and really is the spirit behind the whole “Double Kickstarter” campaign, so thank you!

Designing the reward tiers was one of our biggest challenges—we want to give everyone as many options as possible, but we also need to be careful not to overload and cause tons of confusion. Adding combo versions for every tier would’ve made the reward list exponentially longer, so we opted to make use of the Add On feature to offer a solution for the more complex orders, but do let us know if you think adding combos as main rewards will help.

In the meantime, our sleep-addled brains added to the combo confusion with an error in the Add On visual on the campaign page, which we’d like to address!

If you’re a die-hard Armed Fantasia fan who wants to pledge one of the more expensive tiers while also grabbing a copy of Penny blood, then please select one of the “Armed Fantasia Combo” options to add on to your pledge.

Likewise, if you can’t wait to dive into the shadows of Penny Blood but want to support Armed Fantasia at the same time, please add one of the “Penny Blood Combo” packs to your pledge.

The visual for this in the campaign page has also been amended to match!
These Combo packs are one of the options that allow backers to pledge for the core game they are interested in but also support the other game as well (and at a discount).

Key Chain Clarification

There are a few tiers that mention an Armed Fantasia Key Chain or a Penny Blood Key Chain, however there are no individual game specific key chains. We can only offer the Double Kickstarter key chain featured in the Merchandise section of the campaign page and we apologize for any confusion!

Now it’s time to talk about the update schedule for the Double Kickstarter because we still have A LOT to show you. So much so, that we’ll be giving 3 updates per week!

Mechanics Mondays –
These will be focusing on the in-game systems to give you a better understanding of how both games will play. We will also be adding new merchandise on Mondays, so be sure to check those rewards to see if something new has appeared that might tickle your fancy!

Worldbuilding Wednesdays –
These updates will be all about the art and music. Some updates will kick-off voting rounds where backers help us choose between anything from costumes to character designs. You may even get to hear some new music as well.

We’d also like to use these updates to cast a spotlight on your creativity, so don’t be afraid to send us any fan art/remixes/cosplays to:

Armed Fantasia:
Penny Blood:

Feature Fridays –
We’ll be supplying in-depth interviews with the core creators behind both projects, as well as insight into how they are building out their games.

We’ll also be doing call-outs to other awesome campaigns—since much of the Double Kickstarter is built on creators helping other creators, we want to pay it forward by shining a light on other ongoing indie Kickstarter campaigns. Whether it’s netting them some retweets or scoring some pledges, we want to help where we can.

We’ve been up all night and so we will probably take a nap but don’t YOU have a community game to play? Ingram and Matthew need YOUR help!